“Great horses are not often easy horses. They have big egos and idiosyncrasies and quirks and foibles. Horses of a lifetime do exist, but only for riders so skillful, tactful, and courageous that they can unlock and then reveal the brilliance of their equine partners”
Hierry and G
I have loved getting to know Hierry and G and their absolutely lovely mom. Hierry especially is the kind of horse we have bonded over, as his antics often leave his mom repeating "you're lucky I love you". And she is right, he is lucky, because it is easy, especially in a community as competitive as the equine world, to give up on the horses that are hard. It is easy to want something better. Better behaved, better looking, more talented, safer, etc. And there isn't anything wrong with that. Being competitive in this sport is wildly important. But has a horse and dog mom with two wildly difficult children, I feel a lot of solidarity towards the people who have taken on the hard ones, put aside their own dreams, and loved the weird ones that others would pass over.
I loved getting to capture the beauty and uniqueness of these two horses. It was so fun getting to bring their super model sides out, and show off that spark that their mom sees every day!